Airplay Software for Mac

At home and at my work i want to be able to stream music from my iPad/iPhone to a mac mini that is connected to a TV and stereo.  My network setup is Gigabit and Wireless N router. When i started to see what was available the only company that provided the functionality was:
I was only interested in audio streaming and AirServerApp worked fine. I was happy with version 3. Then they decided to support Airplay Mirroring in version 4.  So you can show your iPad/iPhone screen on your TV. After this upgrade the audio started to jitter and for me AirPlay mirroring did not worked as expected.  I have emailed to support and they are responsive, but till now i still have the audio problems. The only solution is to disconnect/connect and it starts playing again.  I am only talking about audio streaming when AirPlay mirroring is enabled the problems occur sooner.

I was browsing the web to find a solution and saw that an another company also provided an AirPlay solution:
In the beginning there was no free trial period.  So i just bought the software and tried it. The version at that time was 1.2.1 and also supported Airplay mirroring.  When i tried this version everything seemed ok, but after a certain amount of time i got a constant noise on the line, like a radio that is on the wrong frequency and it will never be restored to its normal behavior.  To solve this issue is to disconnect/connect again. At home this solution maybe acceptable but at my work this is undesirable.  I mailed this issue to support and they are responsive and searching for a solution.  

So for me both software packages did not worked as expected. At home both packages are installed for testing them when a new versions comes available i use it regularly. At work only AirServerApp is installed and we used it occasionally.  I read on twitter that a new version of refelectionapp was available 1.3.  I installed this new version and done some excessive tests at home:
  • Airplay Audio Streaming
  • Airplay Mirroring (iPad2 resolution streaming : 1024x768)
I did not encounter any problem so far at Home ;-).   I will do some more tests and when they run successfully ReflectionApp will be installed at my work.


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